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Monday October 13, 2014
Start: 10/13/2014 18:00
End: 10/13/2014 20:00

The posted deadline for the Yankee Candle Sale is quickly approaching: Sunday, October 12! However, the deadline will be extended one day and Cindy Gifford will be collecting forms from the team file box at the end of practice on Monday, October 13.

If your swimmer's file folder did not have the Yankee Candle information in it or if you are in need of the Yankee Candle selling information, additional envelopes (including order forms and catalogs) are located in front of one of the team's file boxes at the pool.

In addition, to clarify the selling instructions regarding tax- Local catalog sales submitted on the Order Form do NOT require sales tax. However, for online orders which have the product directly shipped to the buyer, tax and shipping charges will be incurred.

For any questions please contact Cindy at 541-8711 or

Additional information is on the team's fundraising web page HERE

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