Marauder Pentathlon
Hosted by Marauder Aquatic Club
Sunday, November 17, 2013
At Millersville University’s Pucillo Natatorium
105 Pucillo Drive
Millersville, PA 17551
Meet announcement is HERE
To enter meets that require advance entries, please make sure the following steps are followed:
1. Print page(s) that contain the list of meet events (the event is usually included toward the end of each respective meet announcement).
2. Write swimmer's name on the print-out of the event list. Do not forget to do this.
3. Circle swimmer's desired events.
4. Include payment and event list in an envelope marked with the meet name.
5. Return paper copies and payment to a coach or specified folder by the deadline indicated
Important Information
Swimmers must enter all 5 events in their division. Entry fee is $20/swimmer.
There is an option to enter longer distance events, however, this division is scored with all ages in that particular session (i.e. 12/under, or 13/over).
You must enter all 5 events at the shorter distance or all 5 events at the longer distance. You may not mix shorter and longer events.
The event numbers should all be in increments of 10 (i.e. a girl entered in event #5,should also be in #’s 15, 25, 35, and 45).
The top 3 swimmers in each division will receive a trophy. The cumulative time of all 5 events will be used to determine the top 3 in each division.
A disqualification or no show in any event makes a swimmer ineligible to be placed in the final scoring.
Depending on entries received, single age events may be swum combined, but will still be scored separately.
Entries for less than 5 individual events will not be accepted